Digital technologies have been shown to have great potential as drivers of improvements in all types of education, but they have a particularly important role to play in non-formal education for disadvantaged adult learners among many other benefits.
In order to improve adult learning opportunities through digital technology, we must improve the digital teaching skills of adult educators. Therefore, DISCOVER have developed this Guide to Digital and Mobile Teaching for the educators on the strategic importance of digital pedagogy and the competences required of them as 21st century educators.
The Guide to Digital & Mobile Teaching contains four sections:
01: Value of digital learning in adult education.
In this section we demonstrate the benefits gained from using digital technology as tools in adult education.
03: 10 Best digital tools for adult educators.
These ten digital tools will seek to empower educators to take charge of their own learning and development.
02: How to find and evaluate digital tools.
This section will guide adult educators to find appropriate and effective teaching tools in an environment which can be overwhelming.
04: How to create a digitally supportive environment.
This introduces the main tenets of digital pedagogy for adult education to educators and managers, including the policy environment, up-to-date research and case studies on the use of digital tools.
01: Value of digital learning in adult education.
In this section we demonstrate the benefits gained from using digital technology as tools in adult education.
02: How to find and evaluate digital tools.
This section will guide adult educators to find appropriate and effective teaching tools in an environment which can be overwhelming.
03: 10 Best digital tools for adult educators.
These ten digital tools will seek to empower educators to take charge of their own learning and development.
04: How to create a digitally supportive environment.
This introduces the main tenets of digital pedagogy for adult education to educators and managers, including the policy environment, up-to-date research and case studies on the use of digital tools.
Download the Guide to Digital & Mobile Teaching in Communities
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